BÜCHNER international 22.-30.06.2012
It is no secret that Büchner's relationship to the town in which he studied was rather strained: “When I come to Giessen I am met by the poorest of conditions; the grief and aversion that grips me makes me ill.” The feeling that he was hemmed in, “a servant among servants”, drove him away – not only from the small Hessian city, but across other borders as well.
Later generations were able to view Giessen in a more positive light, as it was here that the Society for Human Rights (Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte) and the Hessian Courier (Der Hessische Landbote) were founded; for Büchner, however, the city merely posed further motivation for independence. In light of this, does it seem futile, if not downright superfluous, to try to “bring Büchner home” to this city? By no means! And in true Büchner style, it must be done in a roundabout way. Thus, BÜCHNER international has searched for Büchner far beyond Giessen’s borders – and found him e.g. in South Africa, Brazil, Korea and Ukraine.
For the past one and a half years, we have been viewing, calculating, considering and discussing. Now we are delighted to present the results of our work. Bring curiosity and an open mind as we embark on a journey to discovery! Büchner entices you – Giessen invites you.
News | BÜCHNER International
>>> Start of advance ticket sales <<<
Here we go - the advance ticket sales for the main programme of BÜCHNER international started.
Online ticket sales are available.
Opening Hours Box Office
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 1.00 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.